
Key Publications

  • Barulin A#, Barulina E#, Oh DK#, Park H, Park S, Jo Y, Kim J, Bhak GS, Kim Y, Kang H, Park Y, Park JC*, Rho J*, Park B*, Kim I*. Axially multifocal metalens for 3D volumetric photoacoustic imaging of neuromelanin in live brain organoid. Sci. Adv. (Accepted, IF = 11.7) *Corresponding authors
  • Park JC, Han J, Lee W, Kim J, Lee SE, Lee D, Choi H, Han J, Kim JI, Mook-Jung I. Microglia gravitate toward the amyloid plaques surrounded by externalized phosphatidylserine via TREM2. Adv Sci (Weinh). (IF = 17.521) [PubMed]
  • - 관련 기사: [동아사이언스] [의협신문] [의학신문] [메디컬투데이] [메디파나뉴스] [코리아헬스로그] [아이뉴스24] [브레인미디어] [코메디닷컴] [한국강사신문]
  • Park JC, Lim H, Byun MS, Yi D, Byeon G, Jung G, Kim YK, Lee DY, Han SH, Mook-Jung I. Sex differences in the progression of glucose metabolism dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease. Exp Mol Med. 2023 May;55(5):1023-1032. doi: 10.1038/s12276-023-00993-3. (IF= 12.800) [PubMed]
  • Park JC, Barahona-Torres N, Jang SY, Mok KY, Kim HJ, Han SH, Cho KH, Zhou X, Fu AKY, Ip NY, Seo J, Choi M, Jeong H, Hwang D, Lee DY, Byun MS, Yi D, Han JW, Mook-Jung I, Hardy J. Multi-Omics-Based Autophagy-Related Untypical Subtypes in Patients with Cerebral Amyloid Pathology. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2022 Jun 13:e2201212. doi: 10.1002/advs.202201212. (IF = 17.521) [PubMed]
  • - 관련 기사: [연합뉴스] [메디컬투데이] [데일리메디] [뉴시스]
  • Park JC, Jang SY, Lee D, Lee J, Kang U, Chang H, Kim HJ, Han SH, Seo J, Choi M, Lee DY, Byun MS, Yi D, Cho KH, Mook-Jung I. A logical network-based drug-screening platform for Alzheimer's disease representing pathological features of human brain organoids. Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 12;12(1):280. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-20440-5. (IF = 17.694) [PubMed]
  • - 관련 기사: [이투데이] [메디칼업저버] [한겨례]
  • Park JC, Han SH, Lee H, Jeong H, Byun M, Bae J, Kim H, Lee DY, Hwang D, Lee SW, Mook-Jung I. Prognostic plasma protein panel for brain Abeta deposition in Alzheimer’s disease. Prog Neurobiol. 2019 Dec:101690. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2019.101690. (IF = 10.885) [PubMed]
  • - 관련 기사: [정부정책브리핑] [한국대학신문]
  • Park JC, Han SH, Yi D, Byun MS, Lee JH, Jang S, Ko K, Jeon SY, Lee YS, Kim YK, Lee DY, Mook-Jung I. Plasma tau/amyloid-β1-42 ratio predicts brain tau deposition and neurodegeneration in Alzheimers disease. Brain. 2019 Mar 1; 142 (3), 771-786. (IF = 15.255) [PubMed]
  • - 관련 기사: [아주경제] [동아사이언스] [정부정책브리핑] [동아일보]
  • Park JC, Baik SH, Han SH, Cho HJ, Choi H, Kim HJ, Cho H, Lee W, Kim DK, Mook-Jung I. Annexin A1 restores Aβ1-42- induced blood-brain barrier disruption through the inhibition of RhoA-ROCK signaling pathway. Aging Cell. 2017 Feb; 16(1):149-161. (IF = 11.005) [PubMed]



  • Park S, Park JC*, Advancements in brain organoid models for neurodegenerative disease research, Organoid. (Accepted, IF = coming soon) *Corresponding authors
  • Lee T#, Luke P. Lee*, Park JC*, Biocompatible Graphene Quantum Dots For Personalized Precision Medicine : Neurological Applications in Brain Organoids. BMEF. (in submission, IF = 5.0). 
  • Kim BS#, Hwang I#, Ko HR, Kim YK, Kim HJ, Seo SW, Choi Y, Lim S, Kim YK, Nie S, Ye K, Park JC, Lee Y, Jo DG, Lee SE, Kim D, Cho SW, Ahn JY. EBP1 potentiates Amyloid β pathology by regulating PSEN/γ -secretase. Nature Aging. (Accepted, IF = 17.0).
  • Na H#, Shin KY#, Lee D, Yoon C, Han SH, Park JC, Mook-Jung I, Jang J, Kwon S. Improvement of clinical diagnosis accuracy of Alzheimer's disease using multiple blood biomarkers. Laboratory Medicine Online.
  • Kwak T#, Park SH#, Lee S, Shin Y, Yoon KJ, Cho SW, Park JC, Yang SH, Cho H, Im HI, Ahn SJ, Sun W, Yang JH. Guidelines for Manufactureing and Application of Organoids: Brain. Int J Stem Cells. (IF = 2.5)[PubMed]
  • Chung S#, Jeong J#, Park JC, Han JW, Lee Y, Kim JI, Mook-Jung I. Blockade of STING activation alleviates microglial dysfunction and a broad spectrum of Alzheimer's disease pathologies. Exp Mol Med. (IF = 9.5)[PubMed] 
  • Zha L#, Shin S#, Kim C, Park JC*, Park B*. 3D bioprinting and label-free imaging: bridging innovations for organoid research. Int J Bioprint (Accepted, IF = 6.8).  *Corresponding authors
  • Jo Y#, Kim Y#, Kang R#, Park JC*, Kim I*. Highly sensitive immuno-SERS reveals ApoE-dependent tau aggregation in cerebral brain organoids. Nat. Commun. (In submission, IF = 14.7) *Corresponding authors
  • Barulin A#, Barulina E#, Oh DK#, Park H, Park S, Jo Y, Kim J, Bhak GS, Kim Y, Kang H, Park Y, Park JC*, Rho J*, Park B*, Kim I*. Axially multifocal metalens for 3D volumetric photoacoustic imaging of neuromelanin in live brain organoid. Sci. Adv. (Accepted, IF = 11.7) *Corresponding authors
  • Shin S#, Lee SE#, Zhu X#, Amartumur S#, Lee T, Yu WJ, Park S, Etemadi N, Jamsranjav A, Kang R, Bak G, Park JC. Human brain transcriptomes reveal key receptor tyrosine kinase pathways and genetic signatures in Alzheimer's disease. JPAD (Under review, IF = 8.5)
  • Lee SE#, Park S#, Kang R, Lee T, Yu WJ, Chang S, Park JC. Hippocampal tau-induced GRIN3A deficiency in Alzheimer's disease. FEBS Open Bio. (IF = 3.0) [PubMed] 
  • Park JC, Han J, Lee W, Kim J, Lee SE, Lee D, Choi H, Han J, Kim JI, Mook-Jung I. Microglia gravitate toward the amyloid plaques surrounded by externalized phosphatidylserine via TREM2. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2024 Jul 9:e2400064. (IF = 17.521) [PubMed]
  • Kang R, Park S, Shin S, Bak G, Park JC. Electrophysiological insights with brain organoid models: a brief review. BMB Rep. 2024; 57(7):311-317. (IF = 2.9) [PubMed]


  • Park JC, Lim H, Byun MS, Yi D, Byeon G, Jung G, Kim YK, Lee DY, Han SH, Mook-Jung I. Sex differences in the progression of glucose metabolism dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease. Exp Mol Med2023 May;55(5):1023-1032. doi: 10.1038/s12276-023-00993-3. (IF= 12.800) [PubMed]
  • Na H, Shin KY, Lee D, Yoon C, Han SH, Park JC, Mook-Jung I, Jang J, Kwon S. The QPLEX™ Plus Assay Kit for the Early Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jul 5;24(13):11119. doi: 10.3390/ijms241311119. PMID: 37446296; PMCID: PMC10342648. (IF= 4.9) [PubMed]


  • Park JC, Mook-Jung I. Toward brain organoid-based precision medicine in neurodegenerative diseases. Organoid. 2022;2:e21. (IF = coming soon)
  • Park JC, Noh J, Jang S, Kim KH, Choi H, Lee D, Kim J, Chung J, Lee DY, Lee Y, Lee H, Yoo DK, Lee AC, Byun MS, Yi D, Han SH, Kwon S, Mook-Jung I. Association of B cell profile and receptor repertoire with the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Cell Rep. 2022 Sep 20;40(12):111391. (IF = 9.995) [PubMed]
  • - 관련 기사: [메디컬투데이] [청년의사]
  • Park JC, Barahona-Torres N, Jang SY, Mok KY, Kim HJ, Han SH, Cho KH, Zhou X, Fu AKY, Ip NY, Seo J, Choi M, Jeong H, Hwang D, Lee DY, Byun MS, Yi D, Han JW, Mook-Jung I, Hardy J. Multi-Omics-Based Autophagy-Related Untypical Subtypes in Patients with Cerebral Amyloid Pathology. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2022 Jun 13:e2201212. doi: 10.1002/advs.202201212. (IF = 17.521) [PubMed]
  • Kim J, Lee S, Lee J, Park JC, Kim KH, Ko JM, Park SH, Kim SK, Mook-Jung I, Lee JY. Neurotoxicity of phenylalanine on human iPSC-derived cerebral organoids. Mol Genet Metab2022 Jun;136(2):132-144. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2022.04.005. Epub 2022 May 2. (IF = 4.204) [PubMed]
  • Lee D, Park JC (Co-first), Jung KS, Kim J, Jang JS, Kwon S, Byun MS, Yi D, Byeon G, Jung G, Kim YK, Lee DY, Han SH, Mook-Jung I. Application of QPLEXTM biomarkers in cognitively normal individuals across a broad age range and diverse regions with cerebral amyloid deposition. Exp Mol Med. 2022 Jan;54(1):61-71. doi: 10.1038/s12276-021-00719-3. Epub 2022 Jan 20. (IF = 12.172) [PubMed]


  • Kim HJ, Park JC (Co-first), Jung KS, Kim J, Jang JS, Kwon S, Byun MS, Yi D, Byeon G, Jung G, Kim YK, Lee DY, Han SH, Mook-Jung I. The clinical use of blood-test factors for Alzheimer's disease: improving the prediction of cerebral amyloid deposition by the QPLEXTM Alz plus assay kit. Exp Mol Med.  2021 Jun 9. doi: 10.1038/s12276-021-00638-3. (IF = 12.172) [EMM]
  • Park JC, Jang SY, Lee D, Lee J, Kang U, Chang H, Kim HJ, Han SH, Seo J, Choi M, Lee DY, Byun MS, Yi D, Cho KH, Mook-Jung I. A logical network-based drug-screening platform for Alzheimer's disease representing pathological features of human brain organoids. Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 12;12(1):280. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-20440-5. (IF = 17.694) [PubMed]
  • Park JC, Jung KS, Kim J, Jang JS, Kwon S, Byun MS, Yi D, Byeon G, Jung G, Kim YK, Lee DY, Han SH, Mook-Jung I. Performance of the QPLEX Alz plus assay, a novel multiplex kit for screening cerebral amyloid deposition. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2021 Jan 6; 13(1):12. (IF = 8.831) [PubMed]


  • Seo J, Byun MS, Yi D, Lee JH, Jeon SY, Shin SA, Kim YK, Kang KM, Sohn CH, Jung G, Park JC, Han SH, Byun J, Mook-Jung I, Lee DY, Choi M; KBASE Research Group. Genetic associations of in vivo pathology influence Alzheimer’s disease susceptibility. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2020 Nov 19;12(1);156. (IF = 8.831) [PubMed]
  • Yun Y, Lee SY, Choi WH, Park JC, Lee DH, Kim YK, Lee JH, Lee JY, Lee MJ, Kim YH. Proteasome activity in the plasma as a novel biomarker in mild cognitive impairment with Chronic Tinnitus. J Alzheimers Dis.  2020;78(1):195-205. (IF = 4.160) [PubMed]
  • Park JC, Han SH, Mook-Jung I. Peripheral inflammatory biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease: A brief review. BMB Rep. 2020 Jan; 53 (1), 10-19. (IF = 5.041) [PubMed]
  • Choi H, Kim H, Yang J, Chae S, Lee W, Chung S, Kim J, Choi H, Song H, Lee CK, Jun JH, Lee YJ, Lee K, Kim S, Sim H, Choi Y, Ryu KH, Park JC, Lee D, Han SH, Hwang D, Kyung J, Mook-Jung I. Acetylation changes tau interactome to degrade tau in Alzheimer’s disease animal and organoid models. Aging Cell. 2020 Jan 19; (1), e13081. (IF = 11.005) [PubMed]


  • Kim DK, Han D, Park J, Choi H, Park JC, Cha MY, Woo J, Byun MS, Lee DY, Kim Y, Mook-Jung I. Deep proteome profiling of hippocampus in 5XFAD Mouse model uncovers biological process alterations and a novel biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease. Exp Mol Med. 2019 Nov 15; 51 (11), 136. (IF = 12.172) [PubMed]
  • Park JC, Han SH, Lee H, Jeong H, Byun M, Bae J, Kim H, Lee DY, Hwang D, Lee SW, Mook-Jung I. Prognostic plasma protein panel for brain Abeta deposition in Alzheimer’s disease. Prog Neurobiol. 2019 Dec:101690. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2019.101690. (IF = 10.885) [PubMed]
  • Park JC, Han SH, Yi D, Byun MS, Lee JH, Jang S, Ko K, Jeon SY, Lee YS, Kim YK, Lee DY, Mook-Jung I. Plasma tau/amyloid-β1-42 ratio predicts brain tau deposition and neurodegeneration in Alzheimers disease. Brain. 2019 Mar 1; 142 (3), 771-786. (IF = 15.255) [PubMed]
  • Han SH, Park JC (Co-first), Byun MS, Yi D, Lee JH, Lee DY, Mook-Jung I. Blood acetylcholinesterase level is a potential biomarker for the early detection of cerebral amyloid deposition in cognitively normal individuals. Neurobiol Aging. 2019 Jan;73:21-29. (IF = 5.133) [PubMed]


  • Park JC, Han SH, Byun MS, Yi D, Lee JH, Park K, Lee DY, Mook-Jung I. Low Serum Phosphorus Correlates with Cerebral Aβ Deposition in Cognitively Impaired Subjects: Results from the KBASE Study. Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Nov 6;9:362. (IF = 5.702) [PubMed]
  • Park JC, Han SH, Cho HJ, Byun MS, Yi D, Choe YM, Kang S, Jung ES, Won SJ, Kim EH, Kim YK, Lee DY, Mook-Jung I. Chemically treated plasma Aβ is a potential blood-based biomarker for screening cerebral amyloid deposition. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2017 Mar 22;9(1):20. (IF = 8.831) [PubMed]
  • Park JC, Baik SH, Han SH, Cho HJ, Choi H, Kim HJ, Cho H, Lee W, Kim DK, Mook-Jung I. Annexin A1 restores Aβ1-42- induced blood-brain barrier disruption through the inhibition of RhoA-ROCK signaling pathway. Aging Cell. 2017 Feb; 16(1):149-161. (IF = 11.005) [PubMed]


  • Han SH, Park JC, Mook-Jung I. Amyloid β-interacting partners in Alzheimer’s disease: From accomplices to possible therapeutic targets. Prog Neurobiol. 2016 Feb;137:17-38. (IF = 10.885) [PubMed]


  • Han SH, Park JC, Mook-Jung I. Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease: From Pathogenic Initiation to Downstream Outcomes. In book: Aging Mechanisms. 2015 Jan; 341-354. (IF = n/a)


  • Park R, Kook SY, Park JC, Mook-Jung I. Aβ1-42 reduces P-glycoprotein in the blood-brain barrier through RAGE-NK-kB signaling. Cell Death Dis. 2014 Jun 26;5:e1299. (IF = 9.696) [PubMed]