
Jong-Chan Park, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
2023-Current: Assistant Professor, Department of Biophysics & Institute of Quantum Biophysics, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
2023-Current: Assistant Professor, Department of Metabiohealth, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
-2020-2022: Postdoc Research Fellow, Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases, University College London, United Kingdom (PI: Prof. Sir. John Hardy)
-2013-2019: M.S-Ph.D., Department of Biomedical Science, Seoul National University College of Medicine, South Korea (PI: Prof. Inhee Mook-Jung)
-2008-2013: B.S., College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, South Korea
2023-Current: 2024 International Society for Molecular Neurodegeneration (ISMND) 조직위원회 위원
2023-Current: The Organoid Society (한국오가노이드학회) 이사
2023-Current: KSND (대한퇴행성신경질환학회) 이사
Key Honors and Awards
-2023-2025: 뇌과학선도융합기술개발사업 (K-Brain) 선정
-2022-2027: 세종과학펠로우십 선정 (National Research Foundation of Korea)
2023: Sigma Aldrich-The Organoid Society Scientist Award 수상
-2021: Outstanding Research Award from the Association of Korean Neuroscientists (AKN)
-2021: Outstanding Research Award from the Korean College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology (KCGP)
-2019-2021: Awardee of the Biomedical Global Talent Nurturing Program of KHIDI
-2019: Graduated with honor: Magna Cum Laude of the Ph.D. course,
Department of Biomedical Science, Seoul National University College of Medicine
-2019,2018,2017,2016: The Best Paper Award of the year in the Department of Biomedical Science & Biochemistry,
Seoul National University College of Medicine
Current Funding Sources
-2023-2025: 뇌과학선도융합기술개발사업 (K-Brain) (main PI) (한국연구재단)
-2022-2027: 세종과학펠로우십 (main PI) (한국연구재단)
-2024-2026: 치매극복 글로벌 공동연구 사업 (co-PI) (치매극복연구개발사업단)